Monday, April 30, 2007

Indoctrinate U


This film piqued my interest. I hope it comes to the college/university-saturated city of Minneapolis. Anything that raises awareness of the intellectual inbreeding that happens in many universities today is in itself a valuable contribution to higher education. (HT: Instapundit)

1 comment:

Jabell said...


I recently listened to a lecture by Os Guinness where he jokingly said that the United States is a place where the Indians are ruled by the Swedes. Of course, this received a lot of chuckles from Minnesotans. But then he explained further: the nation of India is the most spiritual nation in the world, and Sweden is the least spiritual in the world. The point was well taken. Basically, the intellectual elite who run the universities and the nation tend to be very secular, while the nation (speaking in generalities) tends to still be somewhat spiritual.

I believe that universities are a highly saturated microcosm of this idea.