Monday, April 16, 2007

Random Essentials for the ADD-addled Mind


1. An irresistible reminder that relief is as close as your nearest bunny.
2. How the heck do I select a good seat on an Airbus A320?
3. Best free online documetaries.
4. Of the many reasons to hate the band Nickelback, this is probably the best.
5. A brief, lucid summation of the dangers of paternalism and imperialism for western
6. Google's effort to illuminate the tragedy of Darfur
7. Didn't get into MIT? Trip not, my friend.
8. Probably one of the nicest songs you'll hear today
(HT: Kottke, Evangelical Outpost, Cute Overload, Between Two Worlds)


催乐海 said...

Great Song! Unfortunately a lousy translation in Chinese.

Nate said...

That is the one bummer about that video. *sigh*
I guess you can't have everthing in life. *sigh*
But link #1 may just make up for it.


Jabell said...

Did you really like the song, or just the tree?

Nate said...

Alright, I admit it. The tree was flat-out brilliant and I was irrationally impressed with it.

But that doesn't detract from the fact that it was a decent song, and I should take credit for some modicum of good taste and aural acuity.