Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm Back . . . with Explanations

Those of you who have frequented this site in the past may be wondering if my typing fingers (the index fingers on both hands) were chewed off by a moray eel over the holidays or if I had simply left the blogosphere to publish my own hard-copy newsletter which I would specially hand-deliver to my most devoted readers.

As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

After milking the eel injuries for as long as I could and finally being told by my mom that she had enough newsletters for her scrapbook, I decided to return to blogging. Thus, here I am - but with new principles.

Previously, I resolved to post only things that I deemed to be of a high quality. Obviously, my discernment as to what constitutes "quality" may be lacking, but what I found is that I simply did not have/take enough time to write good, edifying material. But I wanted to post stuff, so I would, nevertheless, pound out some tiresome tripe about nonesense and suffer you to wade through it.

So, I was at a juncture. Either post quality at the fequency of an ice-age; or post reality at a more frequent pace.

Easy choice.

So, you may be deluged with mounds of gravel in the coming months, with an occasional fleck of gold tumbling through the rubble. But for the most part, this season in life will only afford enough time to provide time-wasting-but-hopefuly-interesting material.

Love always,


1 comment:

timmer k. said...

Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Welcome to the dark side.


