Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Upcoming Movie on Human Trafficking

I believe this is the first major motion-picture centered on the issue of sex-slavery. From the film's description, it looks to be a jarring and appalling night at the movies. From the Yahoo Movie Details Page:
Two different girls from very different backgrounds are both sold into prostitution and the sex slave industry. One is a Romanian girl forced into sex slavery after being promised a better life in America. The brother of the other girl--a Mexican girl abducted and forced into the trade--joins forces with a cop and discovers he is the father of a young daughter who is also likely a sex slave.

This film will undoubtedly raise awareness of the sex-slave trade and hopefully will also create the same kind of response as did Hotel Rwanda. The difference being that Hotel Rwanda had a retrospective posture toward a unimagineable tragedy, while the evil being portayed in Trade will likely feel much more current.


timmer k. said...

Nate, have you heard of Ten Shekel Shirt? They're now a defunct band, but their lead singer, Lamont Heibert, founded an organization called Justice For Children International. It aims to end the child sex trade. We should talk more about his music, but until then, check out, Lots of info and clips of his fabulous songs.

music is for lovers said...


This actually got some bad reviews for taking what is a very serious issue and just making a crappy movie out of it. Quite a few of our staff saw before it was released it and said it was incredibly graphic. Check out the Sundance film festival review.

Tim, I've heard ofr JCI since I've been working for IJM because Lamont leads worship for us sometimes. I had never heard of him before but it's so great to see an artist doing something like this!

It's also great to see things popping up adressing this issue. If this movie, however, does not do justice to the suffering the victims of sex slavery undergo, I am going to be thouroughly pissed.