Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Shameless Appeal For Blog Set-up Advice

I am looking to receive and share tips on setting up attractive, functional blogs.
"Nate," you say, "why not just get tips and input from Dashboard?"

"Because Dashboard cannot personally critique my blog, nor is it as acutely aware of this blog's many maladies as are my friends," says I.

So, if anyone want to share their blogging acumen with me and the legion readers of The Ricochet, it would be greatly appreciated.


music is for lovers said...


I've learned HTML alright...I created my blog header and edited all the colors and sizes on my blog. Whether or not one likes it is a different story...but it was fun! I can help with technical knowledge maybe. Exactly what kind of input are you looking for?

. . . . . . . . . . . . said...

How did you do this?I want to set up a blog to keep in contact with customers. I want customers to be able to post if they want to.
I don't want to annoy them with sending them a form and asking them to make a google account- unless they express interest first.

Can I make a sign up place with a pop up form or something?